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Dig In! Untangling Garden Interlopers: What to do when aggressive plants take root

Presenter: Caitlin Splawski, MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Educator Have you ever noticed how some of your garden plants can transition from the ‘life of the party’ to the ‘unwanted party guest’ seemingly overnight? Some plants have a tendency to encroach into new areas of the garden and take up much more space than ever intended. In this presentation, Caitlin will go over some of the things that aggressive weeds have in common, along with how invasive plants present a different challenge in the landscape. She’ll also touch on strategies and resources for dealing with a few different weedy situations. All Michigan Master Gardeners were invited to this free series of webinars. Once registered you will have access to all previously recorded workshops and be registered for the rest of the series. Each webinar counts as one hour of the MG education requirement. For more information and FREE registration, click here.

June 29

Smart Gardening Booth at Boyne City

July 10

Fairground PM Work Session